Boed i efengyl Iesu mawr

(Llwyddiant yr Efengyl)
Boed i efengyl Iesu mawr
Orchuddio wyneb daear lawr;
  Ei hyfryd sain,
      a'i goleu clir,
  Fo'n amlwg yn yr anial dir;
Fel byddo i'r cenhedloedd oll
Ymgasglu 'nghyd, heb un ar goll -
  Doed pobloedd
      daear yn gytûn -
  I gyd addoli Mab y dyn!

Cyfoder baner fawr dy ras
Ymhob rhyw barth
    o'r ddaear lâs;
  Awelon nef fo'n dannau byw
  I seinio'r iachawdwriaeth wiw;
Y delwau mudion, fach a mawr,
Fel Dagon gynt, a gwympo i lawr;
  A chaned holl dafodau'r byd,
  Ganiadau mawr dy angeu drud!
Orchuddio :: I lenwi
Doed pobloedd daear :: Iuddewon hefyd
gyd addoli :: gydfoliannu

1: David Thomas (Dafydd Ddu o Eryri) 1759-1822
2: William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog) 1802-83

Tonau [MHD 8888D]:
Llanelli (David de Lloyd 1883-1948)
Milan (<1875)

  Llwyr noetha'th fwa Iesu yn awr
  'Nol ammod y cyfammod rhad

(The Success of the Gospel)
May the gospel of great Jesus
Cover the face of the earth below;
  Its delightful sound,
      and its clear light,
  Be evident in the desert land;
Thus may all the nations
Gather together, without any being lost -
  May the peoples of the earth
      come in agreement -
  To worship together the Son of man!

May the great banner of thy grace be raised
In every kind of region
    of the blue-green earth;
  The breezes of heaven be living strings
  To sound the worthy salvation;
The mute images, small and great,
Like Dagon of old, fall down;
  And may all the world's tongues sing,
  The great songs of thy precious death!
Cover :: Fill
May the peoples of the earth come :: Jews also
To worship together :: to praise together

tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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